Fashion Report Week 296 Guide – Final Fantasy XIV – Easy 80 points / 100 points : Oldies But Goodies : Arisa Dialy

Fashion Report week 296

Fashion Report Week 296 Guide

Period(Judging: Sept 29- Oct 2)

Judging begin on Sept 29/2023(Fri) at
Grading period is until Oct 2/2023(Mon) at


– Overall Theme
JP : 在りし日の青春
EN : Oldies But Goodies
FR : Jeunesse passée
DE : Jugendmode vergangener Tage

– Theme of each gear
– Body
JP : スカーフ
EN : Scarf it Down
FR : Écharpe
DE : Halstuch
– Hands
JP : リスト
EN : All in the Wrist
FR : Poignets
DE : Handgelenk
– Legs
JP : パンタロン
EN : Pretty in Pantaloons
FR : Treillis
DE : Pantalon
– Feet
JP : パッテン
EN : Patten on the Back
FR : Roulage de patins
DE : Trippen


Easy 80 points!

84 pts for 2 Glamoured gear!
or 80pts for 1 Glamoured gear + Dyeing!
Pls check below Glamoured List!

Let’s get 80 points easily and cheaply this week 🙂

Easy 80 pts – 1 – Lalafell Male+Female/Au Ra Female


If you’re Lalafell Female/Lalafell Male/Au Ra Female, your starting Hands are glamoured, so it’s super cheap and only requires 171 gil for 84 points and 60,000 MGP ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ

Base Points 68 pts

This Base Points earned for wearing all 11 gear slots.
You need to fill all 11 gear slots to get the above score.
(Each part has its own base pts.)

Feet : Maple Pattens (All)Lv5 NPC Vendor 129gil     +8pts

Crafting(CRP4) MarketOK/DyeableYes
Select “for DoH/DoL” “Lv1-9”    Iron Thunder(X:8.1 Y:11.6)/Limsa Lominsa
Domitien(X:14.3 Y:9.8)/Gridania     Gwalter(X:13.6 Y:10.0)/Ul’dah

Easy 80 pts – 2 – Other Races


If your character is not listed above, you can get 84 points and 60k MGP just by purchase 2 gear and 353 gil at City NPC Vendor! 🙂

Base Points 68 pts

This Base Points earned for wearing all 11 gear slots.
You need to fill all 11 gear slots to get the above score.
(Each part has its own base pts.)

Hands : Hard Leather Wristguards (All)Lv11 NPC Vendor 224gil     +8pts

Crafting(LTW10) MarketOK/DyeableYes
Select “for DoH/DoL” “Lv10-19”    Iron Thunder(X:8.1 Y:11.6)/Limsa Lominsa
Domitien(X:14.3 Y:9.8)/Gridania     Gwalter(X:13.6 Y:10.0)/Ul’dah

Feet : Maple Pattens (All)Lv5 NPC Vendor 129gil     +8pts

Crafting(CRP4) MarketOK/DyeableYes
Select “for DoH/DoL” “Lv1-9”    Iron Thunder(X:8.1 Y:11.6)/Limsa Lominsa
Domitien(X:14.3 Y:9.8)/Gridania     Gwalter(X:13.6 Y:10.0)/Ul’dah

Easy 100 points!

100 pts for 4 Glamoured gears!
or 100pts for 3 Glamoured gear + Dyeing!

Let’s get 100 points this week too!

Video with 100 pts – BLM Lala Female

It is a video of 100 points in Black Mage Lalafell Female!


